Bold Screening

Are you a graduate in marketing, communications, or another direction? Do you also have an interest in marketing consultancy? Convince us of your abilities today!

I sign up!

Marketeers vullen Bold Academy vragenlijst in voor de screening.

Step 1
Bold Screening

For whom?

  • Graduates with a degree in marketing or communication.
  • Degrees from other sectors are also welcome.
  • Motivated young professionals who speak Dutch fluently. Other languages such as English and French are a plus! 
  • Interest in a job as a marketing consultant.

What do you need to do

  • Sign up here
  • You will receive a Bold questionnaire in your mailbox.
  • Convince us with your answers to our Bold questionnaire.
  • We invite you for a follow-up interview.
  • You come to our offices to discuss a case.
  • Selected? Hell yeah, get ready for your Bold Academy adventure. Let the countdown begin! 
  • September 2023: START your Bold Academy!

I sign up!

If the whole team is excited, we are successful together.

Ready for your Bold Screening?

Hell yeah! I want to sign up!

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