Bold Project

Ready, set, go! Your first work experience as a marketing consultant at a bold company where your acquired knowledge is used in a targeted way!

I sign up!

Het cross-functioneel team van Be Bold dat ondersteund tijdens je eerste werkervaring

Step 3
Bold Project

What is the Bold project?

  • A first long-term project of approx. 6 months at one of our clients.
  • The cross-functional team of Be Bold supports and gives advice.
  • Monthly, at the Be Bold headquarters, an extra training, a question time, a nice lunch...

Why a Bold project?

  • A project that matches your natural talents and interests.
  • Your skills and talents are optimally used and deployed.
  • By doing, you will learn and gain in-depth knowledge about digital marketing.
  • You will learn soft skills such as "communication with clients and agencies".
  • Our guidance will turn you into a succesful and fearless consultant!

What are the options after the project?

  • Do more projects.
  • Join the team on your project.
  • Become a part of the Be Bold team.

Practical information

Start of your Bold Project: approx. early October 2023.

Hybrid collaboration where you spend a few days in the Be Bold headquarters and a few days in-house with the partner where you will carry out your project.

How long?
The Bold Project lasts approx. 6 months.

How does it work?
During your Bold Bootcamp we will discover what your natural talents and interests are. You indicate where you want to go and how you would like to grow. A direction that we then help realize by choosing a suitable project for you. During the project, you will still receive support and monthly additions to your Bold Bootcamp to develop yourself in the best possible way!

Sign me up!

If the whole team is excited, we are successful together.

Ready for your Bold Project?

Hell yeah! I want to sign up!

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